A Light On HistoryIlluminati / Cabal

Dark to Light

A brief history of dark and LIGHT


“It’s YOUR light that lights the world.”

~ Rumi


With over 200 billion stars in our galaxy, does it make sense Earth is the only inhabited planet…as we have been told? Without at least comprehending we are not the only species in existence, our experience on earth will never make any sense.

The television series Star Trek reveals a sinister group called the Cabal, who have been genetically enhanced. This renegade group had an unseen benefactor from the future giving advanced technology as payment or exchange for the Cabal’s devastation and destruction of the galaxy, turning systems once sovereign, happy and free into slave colonies. Sometimes the best way to inform the people is through entertainment. If this sounds preposterous, perhaps the following will simply be a story to ponder.


Light to Dark

Once upon a time Source imagined ‘itself’ into the creations fields, birthing magnificent beings of LIGHT to go forth into the grand expanse and experience everything there was to experience.


The beautiful and sacred star system of Lyrae was home to the original Humans in this milky way galaxy. Highly spiritually advanced, peaceful and focused on creativity, Lyraen’s had no concept of war, violence, weaponry or offense.

The Alpha Draconis group of reptilians were ‘stationed’ in the star system of Orion and there is great debate over who they are and where they came from.  It is said they were created by “The Transparent Ones,” who resemble beings in the movie PREDATOR. They appear as clear plasma or transparent, and are rarely known or seen by humanity. This group, The Transparent Ones, apparently created the reptilians and placed them in our galaxy, perhaps to crack the God Codes, destroy our Creator and dominate the multiverse as the only power.

Discrepancies arise as to who was ‘here’ first…although ‘here’ is another topic. If the reptilians were indeed placed in our milky way galaxy to crack the God Code and destroy the heart and soul of our galaxy, perhaps that concludes the debate. Humanities Creator has always existed, and Humans ‘birthed’ from Source lived very peacefully in our Creator’s milky way galaxy for thousands of years before the Negative faction of the Draco Reptilians invaded and destroyed Lyrae.

There are benevolent Reptilians that exist. It is also possible the influence of Artificial Intelligence that took over some of the Draco Reptilians caused much of their tyrannical behavior.

In general, the Negative Draco are an androgynous reptilian species that are predatory, barbarous, misogamous; (the hatred of masculine and feminine love union) and believe themselves to be superior to all other races. They claim they are a perfect species that never evolve, therefor, they cannot be improved upon. 

Mammalian Humans are always evolving and adapting to new situations and environments; continually changing and transforming. The Draco perceive this and Humanities ability to love as weaknesses; qualities that prove in their mind that Humans are not perfect and perhaps never could be.

Like Source, our Creator, Humans are capable of creating new life, new universes and new realities. Reptilian beings of this system harness Human energy to create with. Perhaps Reptilian beings and Mammalian Humans are simply different species, not one better or worse. Each species have quite magnificent qualities and abilities unlike the other.

Every spirit has free will to perceive existence any way they wish. There is no right, wrong, good or bad, simply many perspectives.

The Reptilians took it upon themselves to assist what they perceived as inferior civilizations to become more like The Draco, with a hive mind all serving one master, their Draconian Queen; which they also serve. The Queen Draco is the one female reptile of their species. 


The Lyraen’s were completely unacquainted with reptiles, battle or violence when the Draco entered their star system to introduce what the Reptilians believed to be their ‘superior system’…let’s say, as a gift.  When the Lyraen’s resisted, it appears the Reptilian Draco group destroyed life as it had been in the Cradle of Lyrae. Surviving Lyraen spirits ventured out to regroup and settled on other planets to begin again, merging harmoniously with other colonies.

Over the ‘years’, multiple wars took place between the Mammalian Humans and the Reptilians over territory, ideology and control. Other groups joined in the conflict, banding together for greater power.

Next Version of Humans

The destruction of Lyrae was no small event. It impacted every system, changed architecture, shut off important communication links, disturbed and re-located many species, and traumatized the galaxy. The Cradle of Lyrae was perhaps the original Garden of Eden. Many loving and unique species existed there in pure innocence.

New versions of Humans were created, capable of withstanding the war torn territory, with additional celestial links…so to speak.


History of Earth

When the Draconian race spotted the system we currently find ourselves in, it was originally in a different configuration. The Earth was a water world, completely covered with ocean, nestled in the second position from the sun.

There are many accounts of the history of Earth. Stewart Swerdlow’s recollection may capture a vaster overview of events, as follows, however, many people will recall a different history. What your consciousness remembers is most important, as multiple frequencies produce multiple perspectives.

Mars was very similar to Earth today with oceans and atmosphere. There was also a much larger planet called Maldek with oceans and atmosphere. The Reptilians sent an ice comet weapon pulled by a small artificially created black hole as a propulsion system to enter this solar system, causing the planet Uranus to flip on its axis, altering its rotation north to south instead of west to east.

The gravitational geomagnetic pull of this ice comet caused Maldek to explode, resulting in the astroid belt we see today. When the ice comet passed Mars it pulled the atmosphere and ocean away from Mars, leaving a 3 kilometers indentation, sending most of the inhabitants of Mars inside the planet and some later came to Earth.

As this ice comet approached Earth it polarized the oceans, forming ice caps, revealing land masses, rendering the surface of Earth habitable. The Reptilians ice comet ended up in the second position to the sun and is now known as the planet Venus. (This may be why the Globalists coin Venus as the planet of love, because it is in fact the planet of destruction. Once again part of their famous reversal strategy to invert humanity)  The Draco Reptilians set up camp on the land mass that became known as Lemuria, on the newly formatted Earth.

Reptilians parked the moon, an artificial object, in our solar system in a position to fill the corona of the sun according to reptilian ritual. Releasing the atomic bomb, (the creation and destruction of matter,) the publicized moon landing, (the union of heaven and earth) as well as the attempt to change Saturn into a second sun to replicate the Draco system, could be perceived as aspects of ritualistic agendas to completely conquer this system and bend it to the Draconian will.

(Most of this information comes from Stewart Swerdlow. His books and videos are very informative and he holds powers and consciousness similar to Q. They have gone through many similar experiences and tortures as higher consciousness beings here on earth.)

Refugees from the exploded Lyraen system, as well as inhabitants from other systems found their way to Earth and established a home base on what became known as Atlantis.


DNA and Hybridization

Warring between Draco Reptilians and Humans continued, along with other races. In somewhat of a peace treaty, the Humans and Reptilians agreed to donate their own DNA to form a hybrid race. (This may have been a long awaited outcome of an elaborate Reptilian agenda to break the God Code within the Human genome.) Further DNA manipulation has occurred since that time, resulting in, for example, the current version of humans on Earth today that rely on mind energy, hold memory and experience duality and emotions. 

Extensive genetic modification established what could be called frequency fences, somewhat blocking our connection with Source, rendering this version of Human relatively unconscious and highly malleable, yet, humans are evolving rapidly at this time in spite of the extreme manipulation.

Hybridized Reptilian/Mammalian Humans on Earth have the opportunity to house a Mammalian soul, a Reptilian soul, or both, depending on the ratio of DNA and what is most hospitably merged together, resulting in continued warring within these new vehicles, not only between cultures, societies, families, couples and people, but within the self. This duality is what allows the aliens to feed on our life force. If we existed in perfect peace the way we were created by Source, the aliens would have to go elsewhere to vampirize energy.

Many other species have joined the Earth’s populating along the way adding to its diversity and conflict. The genome representation on earth is far vaster than many may imagine. There are humans with insectoid, octopi, wolf, spider, vampire, ‘DNA’ etc., all capable of holding that stream of consciousness.

Much has occurred since the Reptilian-Mammalian DNA hybridization experiment. Each race on earth today loosely represents a different alien species that basically believe they own that group of humans. For example, the Grey Aliens contributed their DNA to many Asian groups and the Mayan Aliens contributed their DNA to groups in Southern Mexico and Northern Central America, and the Nordic Aliens contributed to Nordic humans etc. Humans on earth are often used to play out battles between different alien races.

This is all highly illegal, going against the Natural Laws of our universe. Our ‘existence’ is given to us by Source, to experience as we please. Spirits of light were never meant to be food and soldiers for alien races; slaves or pons in a game of chess. In great contrast to the negative alien races, Source and beings of True Light are reverent with the Human race.


The aliens also have clones down here that are not human at all, but they look human. Some are 100% artificial intelligence, yet they look human and bleed. Many clones are the most aesthetically pleasing prototypes, as they can be more useful and dominant, often put in place as some sort of political, religious, sexual, spiritual leader or entertainer… highly controllable to fulfill the agenda. Many new clones have very shiny eyes, making them appear more alluring to the opposite sex, allowing the aliens that own them to steal sexual energy from humans more easily etc.

There are also spirits from other galaxies, Light Being/Spirits of 100% Light from Source and spirits that were once stars and planets etc. The possibilities are indeed infinite.


The Destruction of Lemuria and Atlantis

Multiple misuses of ‘energy’ within the Lemurian and Atlantean civilizations resulted in the eventual devastation of Lemuria. Many Reptilians relocated inside the Earth when Lemuria fell.

Atlantean’s also formed opposition between themselves as those dedicated to a more spiritual-Source focused existence disagreed with choices made by those who were more interested in the scientific exploration and manipulation of creation. (This could be loosely representative of Eugenicist, VAX imposing consciousness’ such as Bill Gates and Fauci verses the Spiritually expanding light of true Patriots today. ) Through abuse of power, or…great crystal technology in the hands of those who lacked spiritual wisdom, Atlantis also fell, sending many Atlantean’s inside the Earth to uncharted locations, while others scattered across the surface, taking up home on other land masses.


The Rescue

The factions who represent service to self behavior within this galaxy may have originally and predominantly been the Negative factions of the Reptilian races, yet, other groups have also been interacting with Humans and other species on Earth in a highly manipulative, abusive, disrespectful and domineering fashion, without any regard for the Earth, Universal Law, or Free Will of the spirits existing here. Many humans have also been manipulated and lets say, de-spirited, to be used for alien agendas.

Numerous ‘alien’ factions have joined together apposing Humanity, animals, the planet and elementals, using them as food, slaves and barter to benefit their own races and species. Yet, a few benevolent groups wanting to support humanities evolution also joined the adventure, not only to help humanity but to benefit or save the planet and solar system. However, most alien races we are aware of, or know the names of, eat people and siphon our life force to survive, as well as sell us and our body parts etc., on the Galactic Slave Market. The Creation Light Ship has been working diligently to shut this down completely.


Soul Trap

The aliens set up a magnetic capture device on the moon that lures a departed spirit into an electromagnetic shock system, capable of erasing memory and tricking spirits back into another Earth incarnation without being given the neutral ability to choose new experiences on other planets or systems, or to return to their home planet, which is the norm. This may be one reason Earth is known throughout the galaxy as a prison planet. This capture system has been at least partially dismantled and the ascension will eventually facilitate the end of this dark hologram, giving humans with enough light, an opportunity to reclaim sovereignty and return to their home planet.


Nazi World Order

The ultimate long term agenda of the predatory Reptilians and their cohorts, appears to be the creation of a robotic or artificial technological society much like the Borg on Star Trek; cybernetic organisms linked with a hive mind called “The Collective.’ If the Reptilian Cabal had their way, Humans would be combined with computer systems monitoring and dictating every move, negating independent thinking or conscious choice. The Human spirit would simply be used as a battery in a Trans-human body.

Cabal/Khazarian/Illuminati/Globalist/Deep State members represent this agenda and strive to create a culture and society where humans cannot deviate from the controllers long term plans. Big Pharma, Vaccinations, GMO, Fake Food, Fake History, Fake Laws, Fake Healers, Fake Religions, Fake Spiritual Leaders, Reversed Education Systems, Reversing Gender, Reversed Financial Systems etc., are formed by the Globalist/Cabal factions to mind control, trick and enslave humanity and use them as robotic batteries to continue to propel their dynasty. This is the negative Draco Reptilian and Artificial Intelligence’s goal, to harness individual human creativity as hive minds feeding the Draconian Queen/ and or the A.I. God, to rule…ALL.

This all goes against the Natural Laws of our Universe and is considered spiritual genocide

The .02% super elite, 1% elite and 10% elite-minions ** striving to manifest a hive mind humanity are no comparison to the billions of humans who don’t want to be slaves, hence, the controllers have extensively experimented with mind control techniques to corral human consciousness into hive mind workers without their knowledge. The Trans-gender, Trans-humanist, Geo-engineering, Vaccination Passport movements, to name a few, are part of this agenda and many humans jump on board oblivious to their eventual demise, just as the controllers suspected they would via their disinformation mastery.


Who Controls Who?

Most of the leaders of our world have been put in place by Globalist/Khazarian/Cabal families, decedents from Negative Reptilians, many of which colonized Lemuria, originally from the Draco/Orion system; the group that destroyed the Cradle of Lyrae. These beings have ventured throughout the world under different names in such civilizations as Sumerian, Chaldea, Mesopotamia, Babylonia, and eventually came to be known as Khazarians, Illuminati, Cabal, Globalists and Deep State, after spreading into western Europe and everywhere else in the world. Most of the Egyptian Pharaohs were of this lineage.

Satanic/Khazarian/Cabal infiltrated Hollywood


Most are not human


Other groups may have joined the Khazarian/Cabal along the way as the Templars, Masons and many religions etc., were infiltrated and converted to incorporate Satanism. Luciferian Annunaki Reptilians, Artificial Intelligence beings, negatives from many many alien races, (such as Grey’s, Pleiadian’s, Nordic’s etc.,) may play a part in the dark agenda, as well as negative humans. There are those in each race and species that can represent light or dark.



History Books

It’s highly likely the original group of Negative Reptilian leaders and scribes wrote the scrolls found in ancient Sumeria, and most other religious texts apparently discovered over time, including the Nostradamus predictions. Parts of Revelations in the Bible could be considered a script manufactured by the Reptilians to corral human consciousness in a specific destructive direction… to manifest what is written, as Human consciousness can create through observation. Aspects of the Book of Revelations are certainly not what humanities informed consciousness with free will would script as our preferred future, yet it is typical of a Reptilian/Khazarian/Cabal script for humanities demise. You decide.


Gene DeCode ~ Transcribed by Kat


Of course, there have also been Light Beings from Source incarnating here to imprint light, leaving behind truth and helpful guidance within various authentic ‘writings,’ such as the original writings from Emmanuel that add light and truth to humanity.


The Negative’s, mostly known as Khazarian’s, Illuminati or Cabal, traveling about Earth kept up their rogue behavior just as they had throughout the galaxy; raping, pillaging, steeling and murdering as their normal way of life.

What most humans have not recognized throughout history…and still miss today, is that these beings have never been Mammalian Humans. There is no way of ‘healing or adjusting’ this particular negative reptilian behavior, just as it is impossible to turn a cactus into a lily, nor would you want to. They exist as they are, and must return to their own territory where they can not do harm to humans.

Over time some humans have caught on, recognizing negative Reptilian behavior represents the exact opposite of a true Mammalian demeanor. Please remember, there are light and dark in each species, yet the make up of every species lends itself to specific qualities and proclivities until they expand consciousness beyond limitations of what we may loosely call ‘DNA’ etc.


Reptilian Nature

If we study the Kamoda Dragon reptiles for example, we notice their offspring immediately run up trees once they hatch, knowing instinctively the adults will eat them if they can catch them. In general, the reptilian nature is not nurturing or cuddly, it is battle and survival of the fittest; conquer, control, dominate and destroy all that appear weak or slow.

The Negative Reptilian Khazarian tribes were not too different. They required the sacrifice of young children for rituals to rip out and eat the heart, drain and drink the blood, all while the child remained alive, often with the human parents watching, traumatizing the infant and their families to the extreme. Many practiced pedophelia, ritualistically raping the child to death while absorbing their life force to extend their own life. This was simply the basic Negative Reptilian way of life. Humans did not suddenly become evil and start eating their young here on earth, this was a different species altogether. Evil behavior from a human perspective ~ normal to the negative alien reptilian factions.

Please keep in mind not all Reptilians are negative. There are positive and negative in each race.


Reptilian Duplicity

A predominant reptilian battle skill previously unknown to the original human is fiction, falsification and misleading without compassion or empathy for the consequences they ensnare people in knowingly. This may be where the term, “he lied like a snake,” came from. Negative Reptilian beings do anything and everything to win. They fight dirty and they fight to the death. Surrender or peace treaties have proven to be trickery and strategy, not of genuine intention when dealing with the negative reptilians.

Black magic, astrology, numbers, sequences, colors, movement, rituals, chanting, spells, names, ley lines, vortexes, objects, geometry, secret societies, prayer, mind control, trickery, seduction, sex ritual, and ruthless intention etc. are all a part of the equation to fulfill their gloomy agenda for ultimate and complete domination of the Earth and all beings on it. Yet, with all their advantages, weaponry, wealth, position and power, they simply cannot triumph over the human heart. We continue loving and expanding our light and consciousness no matter what they do…often because of what they do. They have no ability to comprehend Mammalian love, because it is Source energy and they were not created by Source.


Cracking the God Code 

Perhaps it was the intention long ago of The Invisible One’s who created reptilians, or the intention of Artificial Intelligence, to do all it took to capture and break the God Codes in order to manipulate and destroy humanity and the Creator, yet this is an impossibility. To break the code one must know love, and once a being knows love they leave behind all domination, identification, judgement, manipulation and destruction. Their desire to dominate and control would dissolve.

Interacting with people who hold a Draconian soul, it is quite clear they not only find love to be a humiliating weakness, they are often revolted by acts of kindness, repelled by the very idea of perhaps… doing something caring for their partner, friend or family member without getting something they actually value, such as money, in return.

In an interview Elena Danaan aired with Stephen Chua of Special Forces, Stephen shared that he actually heard one of the Maytre race wince simply from being in the presence of Stephen’s love. These groups with an aversion to love are frightened of it and work diligently to break the human heart to diminish Humanities capacity to love. Love is our power and it gives us the ability to protect ourselves from darkness, as well as obliterate anything that intends to harm the Light.



Organic Judaism verse Satanic Judaism/Khazarian-ism

After years of Khazarian abuse, the citizens of many nations, particularly Russia, implored their leaders to evict the Satanic Khazars from their land to stop the child abductions, abuse, torture and thievery etc. An ultimatum was presented to Khazarian leaders around 1,200 AD, to choose from the religions of Islam, Christianity or Judaism, renounce Satanism and child sacrifice and to abide by their new chosen religion stringently if they were to remain within their territory. The Khazar’s chose Judaism as a pretense, and constructed a well organized plan to systematically destroy every anti-satanic nation, in defiance of this imposition, particularly Russia, as an act of veracious contempt, revenge and retaliation no human saw coming. 


Russian Coat of Arms – White Hat and White Horse sleighing a Reptilian – The story is in the symbolism


Their black magic satanic practices simply went underground. In public they merged Satanism with Judaism to create Babylonian Talmudism, continuing on with their pedophlic/satanic ways, giving Judaism a very bad name in many circles.

Babylonian Talmudism has its root in Khazarianism, not the original Judaism.

This is NOT to say all Talmudism is Satanic, but there are factions that practice Talmudism that incorporate pedophilia and Satanism, which generally go together.


With their mastery of name changing, identity theft, false light, spy networks, multiple disguises, tricks, lies, inside corroboration, zest for blackmail, lust for revenge, and passion for ultimate power, the Khazarians assumed their regular satanic practice with extra thrill, resourcefully and very patiently outsmarting every civilization they encountered as they spread out across the globe on their mission to ensnare and control every last man, woman and child on Earth, as well as Earth’s resources.


The Obelisk/Phallus, pillars of Satanism at the head of each City State. All Khazarian/Globalist headquarters erected to dominate the world.

The Banking System and Three City States

As part of Satanism, it is believed that in exchange for traumatizing, raping and eating children, terrorizing humanity and instigating continuous war, the deity Ba’al will make certain the Khazarian Mafia/Cabal receive massive fortunes of gold, silver, wealth, palaces and unlimited power, which they appear to cherish above life.

Article from Mike Harris:

The Rothschilds as the front Men for the Khazarian Mafia (KM) infiltrate and Hijack British Banking and then hijack the whole nation of England:

Bauer/Rothschild had five sons who infiltrated and took over European banking and the City of London Central Banking System through various crafty covert operations, including a false report of Napoleon winning against the British, when actually he lost. This allowed the Rothschilds to use fraud and deception to steal the wealth of the English nobility and the landed gentry, who had made business investments with the City of London Banking institutions.

The Rothschilds set up a private Fiat banking system that specialized in making counterfeit money from nothing — charging pernicious usury for the British people, using what should have been their own money.” * Mike Harris

Harnessing the banking system was always paramount in their plans for the ultimate success of global control. Oliver Cromwell was somehow enticed to murder King Charles the 1st in order to establish a Khazarian banking system that would bleed the hard working people of their money, basically without lifting a claw themselves. Almost a decade of waging war with the opposition resulted in The City of London, a private capitol securely established with most dissidents successfully blackmailed or six feet under.

A similar battle resulted in the establishment known as Washington D.C. and Vatican City, all privately owned City States controlling citizens globally without reprieve. All laws under Admiralty or Maritime Law were established solely to protect the Khazarian Mafia/Cabal/Globalists and their minions, and to deny the natural human rights of the citizens.

Following * Excerpts from Mike Harris article

The Khazarian Mafia (KM) wages an international effort to eradicate Kings who rule by the Divine Right of God Almighty:

Because the KM claims to have a personal partnership with Baal (aka the Devil, Lucifer, Satan) because of their sacrifices to him. They detest any kings who rule under the authority of God Almighty because most feel a responsibility to make sure their own people are protected from infiltrators and treasonous “Enemies within the Gates.”

In the 1600s, the KM murder the British Royals and substitute their own fakes. In the 1700s, they murder the French Royals. Right before WWI, they murder, Austrian Archduke Ferdinand to start WW1. In 1917 they assembled their KM army, the Bolsheviks, and infiltrate and hijack Russia, murder the Czar and his family in cold blood, bayonet his favorite daughter through the chest, and steal all the Russian gold, silver, and art treasures. Right before WW2, they murder the Austrian and German Royals. Then they get rid of the Chinese Royals and disempower the Japanese ruler.

The Khazarian Mafia’s intense hatred of anyone who professed faith in any God but their god Baal has motivated them to murder kings and royalty and make sure they can never rule. They have done the same with American presidents — running sophisticated covert operations to disempower them.

If that doesn’t work the KM assassinates them, as they did to McKinley, Lincoln, and JFK. The KM wants to eliminate any strong rulers or elected officials who dare to resist their Babylonian money-magick power or their covert power gained from the deployment of their human compromise network.”

The Rothschilds create international narcotics trafficking on behalf of the KM:

The Rothschilds then covertly ran the British Empire and crafted an evil plan to recover the vast amounts of gold and silver the British had been paying to China for its high-quality silk and spices that were unavailable anywhere else.

The Rothschilds, through their international spy network, had heard of Turkish opium and its habit-forming characteristics. They deployed a covert operation to buy Turkish opium and sell it in China, infecting millions with a bad opium habit that brought back gold and silver into the Rothschild coffers, but not to the British People.

The opium addictions created by Rothschild opium sales to China harmed China so much that China went to war on two occasions to stop it. These wars were known as the Boxer Rebellions or the Opium Wars.

The money the Rothschilds gained from the sale of opium was so vast that they became even more addicted to the easy money than the opiate addicts were to the opium.

The Rothschilds were the funding source behind the establishment of the American Colonies, by incorporating the Hudson Bay Company and other trading companies to exploit the New World of the Americas. It was the Rothschild’s who ordered the mass extermination and genocide of the indigenous people of North America to allow for the exploitation of the vast natural resources of the continent.

The Rothschild’s also followed the same business template in the Caribbean and in the Asian sub-continent of India, resulting in the murder of millions of innocent people.

The Rothschilds start the international slave trade, an enterprise that viewed these kidnapped humans as mere animals — a view that the Khazarians would impose on all the people of the world who were not part of their evil circle, which some called the “Old Black Nobility”:

The Rothschild’s next big project was to start the worldwide slave trade, buying slaves from crooked tribal chiefs in Africa who worked with them to kidnap members of competing tribes for sale as slaves.

The Rothschild slave traders then took these kidnapped slaves on their ships in cramped cells to America and the Caribbean where they were sold. Many died at sea due to bad conditions.

The Rothschild bankers learned early on that war was a great way to double their money in a short time by lending money to both warring sides. But in order to be guaranteed collections, they had to get taxation laws passed, which could be used to force payment.

Finally, in 1913, the Rothschild KM succeeds in establishing a major beachhead inside America — and an evil enemy of all American enter the gates of America:

In 1913, the Rothschild KM was able to establish a beachhead by bribing crooked, treasonous members of Congress to pass the illegal, Unconstitutional Federal Reserve Act on Christmas Eve without a required quorum. The Act was then signed by a crooked, bought off President, who was a traitor to America, like the members of Congress who voted for it.

The Rothschild KM then create an illegal taxation System in America:

The KM put an illegal, Unconstitutional tax system in place, in order to make sure that Americans would have to pay for high-level USG spending, approved by a bought-off, crooked Congress and Presidential puppets, put in place by corrupt KM campaign finance.

It is easy for the KM to garner enough money to elect anyone they want because when you control a bank that is a secret major counterfeiter, you have all the money made for you that you desire. At about the same time that they created their illegal tax system in America, they also bribed members of Congress to approve the Internal Revenue Service, which is their private collection agency incorporated in Puerto Rico.

Soon afterward, they set up the Federal Bureau of Investigation to protect their banksters, to serve their cover-up needs and prevent them from ever being prosecuted for their child sacrifice rituals, pedophile networks; and to also serve as a covert Intel operation on their behalf.

Note that the FBI has no official charter, according to the Library of Congress, and has no right to exist or issue paychecks.” * Mike Harris link below.



The negative Reptilians, under the guise of a peace treaty… or benevolent agreement long ago, gained access to stargates and sacred knowledge held by what we may loosely call Guardians of the Light, however, please consider that every title has been corrupted or tampered with. Once the Reptilians had access to sacred knowledge, they made the information their own, altering and misrepresenting it to humanity to lead us astray from our Spirit, Source, our ultimate expansion and freedom. 

Others who held the sacred knowledge were disappeared, as the Negatives went about their business culling and controlling humanity, all the while seeking the God Code.

Continuing DNA experimentations are done with this sacred knowledge in mind. Due to this and other factors, the Reptilians have managed to manipulate the genome of this version of Humans so that we are tremendously burdened by memory, thoughts and emotions that easily control us and compel our attention. These traits allow the negatives to harness Human energy, manipulate, coerce, sabotage, use and abuse us without most Humans having any idea why things happen the way they do. This is how much leverage the Reptilians gained over Human consciousness through their subversion, black magic, trickery, genetic experimentation and infiltration.


Project Paperclip

Once the Negatives installed George H. W. Bush into the CIA via Project Paperclip, along with many other high IQ war criminals, they had finally anchored into the heart of the power center on Earth, the Land of the Free; America. With the orchestrated assassination of JFK and other key players standing strong for the rights of American citizens, the Khazarian’s/Cabal had a successful run of raping and pillaging, selling off American ports, parts and secrets to Communist China and others massive Khazarian/Cabal/Globalist headquarters, under the guise of philanthropy, world peace, national security, the Green movement, and citizen protection. All lies of snakes in suits. Most of the American public had no idea any of this was going on, and continue to this day to praise the Reptilian puppets, (such as Bush’s, Clinton’s, Obama’s, Soros etc.) who consciously, viscously and aggressively played their part to destroy, bankrupt and dismantle America and debilitate American citizens and the world.




Chasing the Sun

With inside secret sacred information gained long ago, the Reptilians have been well aware this juncture in ‘time,” would bring the Earth into new alignments more beneficial for Humanities awakening, making it impossible for them to continue on with their Khazarian Mafia games as usual. 

The Twin Tower demolition, nuclear incidents, oil spills, other massive false flag events, CERN, along with every viral outbreak and weather disaster this earth has experienced, were all controlled, created and rolled out by the Cabal/Khazarian’s/Deep State/Globalists and their off world masters, in an attempt to hinder Natural Law.

The Natural Laws of our Universe will give humanity free will and sovereignty back, however, each human must choose this themselves and that is what the Cabal are counting on sabotaging with mind control, plagues, main stream media lies, false flags and fear porn etc.


Looking Glass

What the Khazarain/Cabal also became aware of between 2011-2013 is their ability to foretell and manipulate the future as they had grown accustomed to doing, had escaped them. Their looking glass technology, (not its real name ** ) only highlighted two timelines; one with their Nazi World Order and one with Humanity ascending. 

The creation of CERN was an attempt to bring other successful NWO timelines into this timeline to increase the probabilities of the Khazarian preferred NWO timeline. However, it also became evident that the more they manipulated and caused harm to Earth and Humanity, the more the timelines favored the Earth and Humanities ascension. They had to rely on manipulating Humanity into culling and confining themselves.



Break Away Group

At some point in this war against Humanities freedom, a large number of Illuminati broke away from the original reptilian hierarchy, determined to have their own game without any Superior Overlord dictating instructions. This perturbed the Draco Command. Ships filled with soldiers of sorts from multiple locations were sent to the Kuiper Belt within the rubble from Maldek, to oversee what was happening on Earth.

According to Stewart Swerdlow, the high command in the Kuiper Belt, along with groups on Earth we may roughly refer to as the 4th Reich, began sabotaging the Illuminati Reptilians plans on Earth to insure their break away group would not succeed. Although the group in the Kuiper Belt and the 4th Reich are not rooting for humanity, they may have inadvertently saved us from multiple events that would have given the Satanic Illuminati families much more leverage.



Dark to Light

Every spirit from our Source Creator is sovereign and free, birthed to experience creation in any way it pleases. Never is a Creation from Source to be used against the will of its Spirit and consciousness.

As ‘Ambassadors’ from Source viewed Earth to see what exactly was happening down here, it became apparent intervention was necessary. Not only had our assigned caretakers (factions within the Galactic Federation etc.,) turned on Humanity, but the control system down here had rendered Humanity oblivious to their true identity and their own enslavement with practically no hope of eventual freedom or expansion of consciousness.

Very brave LIGHT BEINGS incarnated, key people of the Light activated, found each other and orchestrated a rescue for Humanity, with a focus on America, knowing whatever was to become of America, the rest of the world would follow.

Thanks to Source, the Q team, President Trump and family, Key members of the Kennedy Family, other families of the Light, and the brave positive White Hat Military and Patriots, Humanity is in a better position than we have been for a very long time, and certainly not anywhere near what the Khazarian/Satanic Cabal had planned for us by now.

The next step is awakening Humanity, remembering who we are, learning how to grow and wield our light and consciousness to manifest what WE want instead of what the Cabal had planned.

The Best is yet to come… because the Best are here right now!

As Q says, “We swarmed them.”


Special Thanks and References:


Stewart Swerdlow

Janet Ossenbaard

* Mike Harris https://www.veteranstoday.com/2020/08/21/most-controversial-document-in-internet-history-the-hidden-history-of-the-incredibly-evil-khazarian-mafia/

** https://t.me/s/qthestormrider777/11

David Icke

Max Spiers